MTB Progression - Our Courses

An overview of the content covered within our courses can be found below.

Fundamentals Intermediate Advanced
  • B-H-C Safety Check
  • Overview Bike Setup
  • Mount & Dismount
  • Ready Position
  • Balalance & Coordination
  • Cornering
  • Braking
  • Gear Selection
  • Trail Etiquette
  • Group Riding
    (if required)
  • B-H-C Safety Check
  • Overview Bike Setup
  • Check Fundamental Skills
  • Weight Shift & Track Stand
  • Cornering (Berms)
  • Advanced Braking
  • Climbing & Descending
  • Front Wheel Lift
  • Rear Wheel Lift
  • Step Over
  • Pumping
  • Bunny Hop
  • B-H-C Safety Check
  • Overview Bike Setup
  • Check Foundation Skills
  • Advanced Climbing
  • Advanced Descending
  • Advanced Cornering
  • Drop Off's
  • Jumps
  • Endo
  • Rock Gardens
  • Off Camber

MTB Progression - Mountain Bike Training Courses Nottingham